Japan Autumn Festival in Hong Kong – Rediscovering Nippon 2023 > Announcements
New event information
Information of 8 new events have been added. For details, please refer to the following pages:
#230026 Great Violin Concertos: Veronika Eberle Plays Hosokawa & Mozart
#230053 Autumn Grand Offer: Japanese Snow Crab Special
#230054 Autumn Special: Japanese Snow Crab Soup Curry
#230055 10周年暖心之意@ YOKU MOKU (Chinese only)
#230056 秋祭日式食品 (Chinese only)
#230057 秋祭限定@牛舞 (Chinese only)
#230058 秋祭推介日本優質民生食品 (Chinese only)
#230060 Taiko Blast