Japan Autumn Festival in Hong Kong – Rediscovering Nippon 2022 > Programmes > Autumn Awa Odori
    Autumn Awa Odori

    Event Registration # : 220138

    Category: Performing arts Performing arts Performing arts

    • Event Entities:
      Tokushima Prefecture
    • Date:06-11-2022
    • Time:15:00 - 16:00
    • Venue: Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories (Asty Tokushima: Higashihamahoji 1-1 Yamashirocho, Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture (Online broadcast) )
    In order to share the wonder of the Awa Odori, which has over 400 years of history, and in order to connect with tourists in the age after COVID-19, we are conducting a live broadcast via the Tokushima Prefecture Facebook for Hong Kong in conjunction with the Autumn Awa Odori to be held in Tokushima. We will also present viewers with Tokushima goods via a lottery. 

    During the Autumn Awa Odori, a dance performance by multiple groups will be held on stage by the “Tokushima Prefecture Awa Odori Association”. The “Tokushima Prefecture Awa Odori Association” was formed in 1969 and operates with the goal of continuing, promoting, and developing Awa Odori. Starting with its origin of Tokushima, they have performed at multiple events overseas, including at Hong Kong Disneyland. Please come see this dance which continues old traditions while also adding innovations.

    Registration in Advance

    Not necessary
    Free of charge


    Tourism Policy Division, Commerce, Industry, Labor and Tourism Department, Tokushima Prefectural Government 
    Person in charge: Takata
    Email: kankouseisakuka@pref.tokushima.jp

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